Using Serialbox as an external library

This section provides a brief introduction on how to use Serialbox as an external library using the CMake modules of Serialbox.

CMake modules

There are several CMake modules located in install/cmake/. To assist in the loading of the settings of the Serialbox project (e.g include and link directories), Serialbox provides a find_package module. In addition, to run the preprocessor script a tooling module is provided. For a working example, see examples/fortran/perturbation.


Try to find Serialbox headers and libraries.

Use this module by invoking find_package with the form:

  [version]                  # Minimum version e.g. 2.0
  [REQUIRED]                 # Fail with error if Serialbox is not found
  [COMPONENTS <languages>]   # Components of Serialbox i.e the languages: C++, C, Fortran. C++ is always ON.

Example to find Serialbox headers and shared libraries for the C, C++ and Fortran interfaces:

find_package(Serialbox REQUIRED COMPONENTS C++ C Fortran)

The Serialbox module will look for the exact boost version used during compilation and append the necessary libraries to the SERIALBOX_[LANGUAGE]_LIBRARIES variable. If Serialbox was compiled with OpenSSL and/or NetCDF support, the necessary libraries will be appended as well.

Variables used by this module, they can change the default behaviour and need to be set before calling find_package:

SERIALBOX_ROOT                  - Set this variable to the root installation of Serialbox if the
                                  module has problems finding the proper installation path.
SERIALBOX_USE_SHARED_LIBS       - Use the shared libraries (.so or .dylib) of Serialbox.
SERIALBOX_NO_EXTERNAL_LIBS      - Don't look for external libraries (Boost, NetCDF and OpenSSL)

Variables defined by this module:

SERIALBOX_FOUND                 - True if headers and requested libraries were found
SERIALBOX_VERSION               - Version string of Serialbox (e.g "2.0.1")
SERIALBOX_INCLUDE_DIRS          - The location of the Serialbox headers (i.e to include the
                                  C Interface ${SERIALBOX_INCLUDE_DIRS}/serialbox-c/Serialbox.h)
                                  and possibly the boost headers.
SERIALBOX_LIBRARY_DIR           - The location of the Serialbox libraries and Fortran mod files.
SERIALBOX_HAS_C                 - Serialbox was compiled with C support
SERIALBOX_HAS_FORTRAN           - Serialbox was compiled with Fortran support
SERIALBOX_CXX_LIBRARIES         - The C++ libraries of Serialbox (libSerialboxCore) and
                                  possibly the external libraries.
SERIALBOX_C_LIBRARIES           - The C libraries of Serialbox (libSerialboxC) and
                                  possibly the external libraries.
SERIALBOX_FORTRAN_LIBRARIES     - The Fortran libraries of Serialbox (libSerialboxFortran) and
                                  possibly the external libraries.
SERIALBOX_PPSER                 - Path to the script.
SERIALBOX_BOOST_VERSION         - Boost version used during compilation.
SERIALBOX_HAS_OPENSSL           - Serialbox was compiled with OpenSSL support.
SERIALBOX_HAS_NETCDF            - Serialbox was compiled with NetCDF support.


This module contains the serialbox_run_pp_ser function which is used to preprocess Fortran source code using the script.

Function arguments:

SOURCES       - Sources to preprocess
OUTPUT_DIR    - Output directory of the the source files. If nothing is specified ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/pp is used.