C interface

This section is concerned with the C interface of Serialbox. A set of examples can be found in examples/c/.


The C interface of Serialbox is built if the CMake variable SERIALBOX_ENABLE_C is ON (which is the default behaviour) and installed in install/lib/ and install/include/serialbox-c. To get started, include the Serialbox.h header, which exposes the complete API:

#include <serialbox-c/Serialbox.h>

To get an overview of the full API, you can take a look at the doxygen generate documentation: here.


Consider the following minimalistic example, test.c, which simply creates and destroys a serializer:

#include <serialbox-c/Serialbox.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  serialboxSerializer_t* serializer = serialboxSerializerCreate(Write, "./ser-test", "field", "Binary");

To compile this sample program, you have to link against SerialboxC and the dependency libraries. The dependency libraries include the Boost libraries (filesystem, system, chrono, log, date_time, log_setup, thread, regex and atomic) as well as the NetCDF and OpenSSL libraries. However, if you choose to link dynamically (i.e against libSerialboxC.so), the dependencies will be resolved automatically:

$ export SERIALBOX_INSTALL_PATH=<path-to-serialbox-installation>
$ gcc test.c -o test -I$SERIALBOX_INSTALL_PATH/include -L$SERIALBOX_INSTALL_PATH/lib -lSerialboxC

In general, it is strongly advised to use the CMake find_package-module of Serialbox which takes care of linking against the correct libraries (see Using Serialbox as an external library).