sdb - stencil debugger

This section is concerned with the sdb – stencil debugger of Serialbox.


sdb is written in python3 using PyQt5 and depends on the Python module of Serialbox. It further has optional dependencies on matplotlib and IPython.

Ubuntu 16.04

To install all dependencies on Ubuntu 16.04 using apt:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5 python3-matplotlib python3-zmq ipython3-qtconsole python3-pyqt5.qtsvg


To install all dependencies on Mac OSX using Homebrew:

$ brew install python3 pyqt5
$ pip3 install qtconsole matplotlib

Make sure pip3 points to your current python3 interpreter.

Serializer Format

This section describes the format requirements by sdb on the Serializer and Savepoints. This might be useful, if you want to add sdb support for you language/library supported by Serialbox.

  1. Requirements on the Serializer:
    • The Serializer needs to contain a global meta-information with key "stencils" which holds a vector of strings of all registrered stencils.
  2. Requirements on the Savepoints of the stencil:
    • Each stage of a stencil has two Savepoints, input and output, which are named "<stencil_name>__in" and "<stencil_name>__out" where <stencil_name> is the name of the stencil regsitered in the global meta-information of the Serializer.
    • Each Savepoint needs to contain the following meta-information:
      • stage_name : Name of the current stage [str].
      • stage_id : Unique id of the stage [int].
      • invocation_count : Number of invocations of the stencil [int]

Example: The following shows how to implement the above mentioned requirements in Python:

Consider the following, totally silly, stencil which operates on the two 3-dimensional numpy fields u and v and keeps track of the invocation count.

import numpy as np

class MyStencil(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.invocation_count = 0
        self.u = np.random.rand(32, 34, 80)
        self.v = np.random.rand(32, 34, 80)

    def run(self):
        self.invocation_count += 1

    def my_fance_stage(self):
        self.u += 1
        self.v += 2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    stenncil = MyStencil()

Now, we would like to add fine-grained serialization to MyStencil. Meaning, we desire to serialize u and v before and after each stage such that we can analyze the stencil with sdb. This requires us to follow the requirements mentioned above.

import numpy as np
import serialbox as ser

class MyStencil(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.invocation_count = 0
        self.u = np.random.rand(32, 34, 80)
        self.v = np.random.rand(32, 34)

    def run(self, serializer):
        self.invocation_count += 1

    def my_fance_stage(self, serializer):
        # At each stage we create the savepoints and serialize the input fields, ...
        savepoint_in = ser.Savepoint("MyStencil__in")
        savepoint_in.metainfo.insert("stage_name", "my_fance_stage")
        savepoint_in.metainfo.insert("invocation_count", self.invocation_count)
        savepoint_in.metainfo.insert("stage_id", 0)

        serializer.write("u", savepoint_in, self.u)
        serializer.write("v", savepoint_in, self.v)

        # .. run the stage ...
        self.u += 1
        self.v += 2

        # .. and serialize the output fields at the output savepoint.
        savepoint_out = ser.Savepoint("MyStencil__out")
        savepoint_out.metainfo.insert("stage_name", "my_fance_stage")
        savepoint_out.metainfo.insert("invocation_count", self.invocation_count)
        savepoint_out.metainfo.insert("stage_id", 0)

        serializer.write("u", savepoint_out, self.u)
        serializer.write("v", savepoint_out, self.v)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Initialize the Serializer and register the stencil in the global meta-information
    serializer = ser.Serializer(ser.OpenModeKind.Write, "./test/", "stencil")
    serializer.global_metainfo.insert("stencils", ["MyStencil"])

    stenncil = MyStencil()