Fortran interface

This section deals with the Fortran interface of Serialbox. A simple example can be found in examples/fortran/simple and a fully self-contained one in examples/fortran/perturbation.


To build the Fortran interface, proceed as described in Quick start section with the difference of setting the CMake variable SERIALBOX_ENABLE_FORTRAN to ON. Note that you can control the Fortran compiler used by CMake with the the environment varialbe FC.

For example: To use the GNU fortran compiler:

$ export FC=gfortran
$ make
$ make install

The CMake build system of Serialbox takes care of setting the correct flags for the different Fortran compilers (GNU, PGI and Cray).


If you want to use Serialbox in your project, it is important to use the same tool-chain (C++ and Fortran compiler) than the one used to build Serialbox.

Using the Fortran Interface

To use the Fortran interface in your project, you need to link against libSerialboxFortran and the C++ standard library used to compile the code (e.g libstdc++ for GNU gcc) as well as the dependency libraries (Boost and possibly NetCDF and OpenSSL). As this can be tedious, Serialbox provides a CMake find_package module (FindSerialbox) to handle this task.

To use the preprocessing script, take a look at the CMake module SerialboxTooling. For a self-contained example see examples/fortran/perturbation.